The military attempts to contain a manmade combat virus that causes death and permanent insanity in those infected, as it overtakes a small Pennsylvania town.
A malfunctioning time machine at a ski resort takes a man back to 1986 with his two friends and nephew, where they must relive a fateful night and not change anything to make sure the…
Rick Deckard, a blade runner, has to track down and terminate four replicants who hijacked a ship in space and have returned to earth seeking their maker.
During a preview tour, a theme park suffers a major power breakdown that allows its cloned dinosaur exhibits to run amok.
Moods: 90s Distrust Drunk on Power Rain
In 1985, Doc Brown invents time travel; in 1955, Marty McFly accidentally prevents his parents from meeting, putting his own existence at stake.
Moods: 50s 80s Apprehensive Nostalgic